Mallory is not currently accepting new clients. Please feel free to check back for updates.

services & fees

all therapy and consultation services are provided virtually via a secure telehealth platform


This call is an opportunity for us to get to know each other, answer any questions you may have, get a feel for what you’d like to work on in therapy, and explore if I am a good fit for you. We can also go over the “logistics” like scheduling and cost. Setting up a phone consultation does not commit you to move forward with any other services.

15 minutes | free phone call


Individual therapy sessions will start with an intake session. During the intake session, my goal is to learn more about you, your history, and your lived experience. We will discuss your goals and intentions for therapy, and go over any questions you have about paperwork, confidentiality, and/or logistics. We can go at your pace, and your safety is paramount to me when discussing past events that may be traumatic or challenging. Following the intake session, we will meet at a frequency that aligns with your therapeutic goals. Many people attend individual therapy sessions weekly, every 2 weeks, or twice a week.

Individual session fees include coordination of care with other providers on your team (registered dietitian, psychiatrist, group therapist, etc.). There is no difference in cost if/when you choose to use art making in sessions.

53 minutes | $180


for family/loved ones of people navigating an eating disorder/body image concerns

It can feel hard to know how to best help someone who is trying to heal their relationship with food and/or their body. Maybe you aren’t sure where to start, what information to look into, or what you can do to support your loved one along the way? Or maybe you are navigating recovery, and would like professional support in educating your loved one(s) on how to best be there for you. Support Consultations are available as an adjunct service alongside your already established care team. They can be helpful for those who want to preserve their individual therapy space and have an additional provider meet with their support system. Consultation fees include collaboration with your care team, and a follow-up message with resources relevant to our discussion.

50 minutes | $190
80 minutes | $280


I offer one-on-one clinical consultation to therapists and allied health professionals to address questions or challenges providers may have about eating disorder treatment, body image, weight inclusivity, art therapy/the use of art in sessions, or specific case consultation. My goal is to provide information, resources, and practical steps forward, while also supporting you in harnessing your inner wisdom, intuition, and values. The consultation fee includes a follow-up message with resources relevant to our discussion.

50 minutes: $190 | 80 minutes: $280 - for fully licensed clinicians
50 minutes: $130 | 80 minute: $190 - for students/associates/interns


  • I am not in-network with any insurance providers. I am able to provide “superbills”, which are detailed receipts, for out-of-network reimbursement for individual therapy services. These are provided on a monthly basis, and clients are responsible for submitting these with their insurance carrier. Please be aware that superbills require clinical diagnosis. Please be aware that not all insurance plans offer out-of-network reimbursement, and I am unable to guarantee that you will receive payment from your insurance company. I am able to accept HSA and FSA cards. If you plan to use a HSA/FSA card to pay for our sessions together, I ask you also provide a secondary payment card for fees not covered by HSA/FSA, such as late cancellation & no-show fees.

  • To ensure my ability to sustainably support clients and maintain a high quality of care, I evaluate my rates on an annual basis. Current clients will be given 60 days notice prior to any changes. My website reflects my most current, up to date rates for new clients.

  • I offer some recurring (weekly or bi-weekly) reduced fee appointments to those who are unable to afford individual therapy services. These are to help provide access to quality, inclusive care, especially for marginalized and underrepresented communities. Proof of income is not required - I instead invite you to reflect honestly on your financial situation and consider what fee is fair and accessible. My goal is to make the process as shame-free as possible. Rates are revisited 1-2 times a year. I also invite clients to communicate with me if their financial situation ever changes, and offer plans to maintain care during hardship when possible. Reduced fee appointments are full at this time.

  • Barring extenuating circumstances or an emergency (addressed on an individual basis), appointments cancelled or rescheduled less than 24 hours in advance and missed appointments will incur the full charge of your appointment fee. If you arrive late to your session, we will still end at the scheduled end time and you will still be charged your full service fee for the shorter session.

    If I ever need to cancel or reschedule our appointment due to my own schedule conflicts, I will provide you with as much advance notice as possible but not less than 24 hours unless there is an unforeseen illness or emergency on my part. You will not be charged for any appointment I cancel/reschedule. If I arrive late to your session, I will add missed time to ensure the full length of your service or a prorated rate if that is not possible.